Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I love the sentence above!! Don't you? What a wonderful thought!

It goes along with my new outlook on my life and my plan for what I share on this blog. I want to talk more about my blessings and share the beautiful things in life that bring joy. I want to be an encourager! My Mom is a wonderful example of being an encourager. She exudes joy and is always positive and I know much of it comes from her strong faith in God!

Do I have struggles? Oh yes and some days, they weigh heavily. But, I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and cares so much about my burdens. He is greater than all of my struggles, greater than anything that may come my way. I can leave my worries in God's hands and trust Him for everything I need for this day! Because of that, I can focus on the blessings and find true joy!

I am blessed in so many ways! Blessed far beyond what I deserve! 
Blessed with a wonderful husband who loves me! Blessed with healthy, beautiful children! Blessed with a loving, supportive family! I could go on and on. 

When I choose to focus more on His goodness, my outlook on life begins to change. I see the blessings and joy in life more than I see the difficult things. I am by no means perfect with this, in fact my natural bent is toward seeing the negative. I have to be purposeful in looking for the good in every situation, every day. For me, it is a choice! I encourage you to choose to see the blessings, the joy and the beauty in life, today!

I would love for you to share some of your blessings with me! Leave me a comment below and let's encourage each other by talking about our blessings!

Choosing joy,


  1. Blessing is a pantry and refrigerator full of food. Sounds strange, I know, but I always feel like God is taking care of me when I have food in the house. Basic need = joy!

    1. Totally agree! It is humbling to think that people in our own city go without this basic need that I often take for granted. Having our basic needs met is truly a blessing from God! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. I truly thank God that I came for a Christian family. You have been a blessing to me today Sonya. Today was the first I had a chance to start reading your blog and of course, once I started, I had to finish. You have been through so much but your love for Jesus has brought you through.The times that you couldn't go on, he carried you and will continue to do that when you have a down day. You are an inspiration to all of us and I will continue to pray for you and your family. Love you....Aunt Nancy

    1. Aunt Nancy, I am thankful for our wonderful heritage, too! Thank you for taking time to read my blog. It means so much to me! And, thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers! Love you!

  3. Hi Sonya, your blogs really touched my heart tonight. My journey stared May this year (2015). I was in and out of so many hospitals and ER'S. I had several week long stays in the hospitals to try to make the pain go away. I was diagnosed with Chairi 1 Malformation May 30th but never got full answers until I was taken to Iowa City in Augest by my loving boyfriend. There is where they did all the tests of seeing if I had spinal fluid blockage and how much herniation there was. Things had gotten so bad I could barely walk. I wore sunglasses all the time because of the light was so bright the pain and pressure was 24-7, ringing in my ears, tingling in my hands, the list goes on!! When the doctor looked at me and suggested surgery pure panic went over my face then calmness followed. I knew I needed but was so scared too. 2 weeks later September 11th 2015 I had Chairi 1 Malformation Decompression Surgery. I remember waiting in my bed for the green wrist band meaning all clear for surgery with my brave face. The nurse walked in with it and I lost it, I cried so hard. I woke up from surgery with a headache and told everyone. They said not to painic, I had just went through a major surgery. Take a nap, get some rest and see how you feel when you wake. I did and when I woke the headache was gone!! To this day I have had maybe a few headaches but over the counter meds work. I wish everyone's ending turned out good and they don't have to suffer anymore. I do not wish this upon anyone. I wish and pray you get relief soon. I pray God watches over you and your family. I would love to stay in touch. Take care. God bless.


    1. Hi Sandi! I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to reply to your comment. I took a break from the blog due to the busyness of life and raising my 3 kids plus dealing with my health issues.
      I want to thank you for your kind words! Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my posts. I'm glad they helped you.
      I am glad to hear that your headaches are better. That is such a huge relief, right? I hope that you will continue to heal well (it takes a while) and have success with your symptoms staying relieved. Please feel free to email me anytime! Blessings to you!


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