Saturday, March 28, 2015

Playing Catch Up

Hello everyone! What a whirlwind of a month it has been! We have had so much going on this month that I have gotten a couple weeks behind in my "Five for Friday" posts. 

It has been a great month for us! We have had two huge answers to prayer, things that the Lord worked out for us that are such life changers for our family. 

One of these is a legal matter and I'm not at liberty to discuss the details of it. God worked this whole situation out in an amazing way that was far beyond what we could have ever imagined! He is so faithful and good to us! 

The second answer to prayer is that my husband got a promotion at work! He has worked so hard for the last several years to get extra education and develop himself as a leader. He has worked to bring positive change to the workplace when others were content to sit around and complain. His leadership skills amaze me! He has been in this promotion process for months and he worked so incredibly hard. Because of his hard work, he was in the #1 position throughout the entire promotion process! I feel honored and proud to be his wife! 

These two answers to prayer are making it possible for my husband to be home more with us which is huge for our family. For the last two years, he has been working 80-90 hours a week to keep our bills paid, since I was a unable to return to work after my brain surgery. It has been so hard on me to be functioning as a single mom for most of the week and dealing with my chronic illnesses too. It was really wearing on me! Our children were also missing their dad really bad and my husband was just getting so tired and burned out. We had been praying for so long that God would work it out for my hubby to be home more and God answered! He is good, all the time! 

Our scripture verse for the year is Isaiah 43:18-19, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it."

Physically, I am status quo in the way that there have been no improvements in my chronic illnesses, but, thankfully, no worsening either. I still have good days and bad days. I'm anxiously awaiting some relief in my overall level of chronic pain as the weather warms up. Here in Ohio, all we have had is the occasional warm day with a lot more cold days. Its like we are being teased by these beautiful warm days and then getting stuck dealing with more cold the very next day. We actually had some snow flakes yesterday. I'm starting to wonder if somehow we got stuck in an "eternal winter" like on the "Frozen" movie. ;)

That's all I can think of to update for this week! I'm going to do my best to get back on track with my Friday posts next week. Until then, I pray you all have a blessed week!


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